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Excel VLOOKUP 중복값 가져오기 및 쉬운 활용 예제

by 노을업투스카이 2024. 2. 28.
Excel VLOOKUP 중복값 가져오기 및 쉬운 활용 예제


Welcome to our Excel tutorial on how to use VLOOKUP to retrieve duplicate values and easy practical examples. VLOOKUP is a powerful function that can help you search for and fetch data in Excel efficiently. In this guide, we will explore how to handle duplicate values with VLOOKUP and provide simple yet effective use cases for everyday tasks. Let's dive in!

Handling Duplicate Values with VLOOKUP

When dealing with duplicate values in Excel, the VLOOKUP function can be a handy tool to fetch and display all matching records. Let's see how we can achieve this:

  • Use an additional column to mark duplicates
  • Apply VLOOKUP with IF or COUNTIF functions to retrieve and display multiple matches
  • Organize the data in such a way that VLOOKUP can efficiently identify and fetch duplicate values

Practical Examples

Example 1: Student Grades

Let's consider a scenario where we have a table of student grades with duplicate names. We want to use VLOOKUP to fetch all grades for a specific student.

Student Name Grade
John 80
Alice 75
John 85

Example 2: Sales Data

Suppose we have a sales dataset with multiple entries for the same product. Using VLOOKUP, we aim to retrieve all sales figures for a specific product.

Product Name Sales
Laptop 1000
Mouse 500
Laptop 1200


By understanding how to handle duplicate values with VLOOKUP and using practical examples, you can enhance your Excel skills and perform data retrieval tasks more efficiently. Experiment with different scenarios and datasets to further solidify your knowledge. Happy Excel-ing!
